The Coronavirus and the Stock Market.

Fear can can cause us to make a lot rash decisions. A rush to the grocery store to stock up on toilet paper and food. A quick sell off of an investment that was never intended to be sold because it was there for your retirement. 

And underneath the fear is the crippling thought of an impending death. 

But once you get past that fear and look further. If you simply look a little beyond you can see this seemingly crisis as a boon. 

What crises can do is cause us to stop and reflect. 

The first reflection, as far as I can see, is that this virus has affected the whole planet. Not one place is immune to the fear or spread or the effects of the global financial market. But what that actually means is that it's not just a "China problem". It's not just an "Italy problem". It's not just an "Iran problem". It's a human problem. 

And once we begin to see that every problem in the world is a human problem and not a "their problem" then we will begin down the road towards a humanity with a worldview paradigm shift from "us and them" to just "us".